Studying for an exam can feel like one helluva journey at the end of which lies an all important test!  For some, it can feel like that final hurdle is never quite within reach.  To help you get some clarity on the situation, we’ve compiled a list of factors that might suggest you’re not quite ready to sit your next exam:

❗You’re not prepared for the unexpected. Knowing the syllabus and getting the majority of questions right on your mock exams is great, but you also need to be able to navigate your way around any ‘curveball’ questions that may arise. Our Forum is designed so that our students can ask, discuss and prepare for potential ‘curveballs’. In other words what else is current/topical that you could be asked about in your exam.

❗You are feeling anxious – taking exams can make you feel nervous or anxious. We get it. When it comes to the exam, the pressure and intensity of the situation means you’ll struggle to be completely calm and collected on the day. That’s why we work with you building up your confidence and getting you to believe in your abilities before exam day. We get to know you, we study with you, we help you pass.

❗You haven’t completed the recommended hours of study. Of course, everyone’s different and learns at varying speeds but Rome wasn’t built in a day! You need enough time to get grips with ALL of the different elements of an exam. Confidence is great but overconfidence can be dangerous. Don’t rush it—make sure you have enough space in your diary to learn everything necessary before exam day arrives.

Good communication with whoever is teaching you is key to your progression. We work WITH you so that you get a clear explanation of what you need to work on BEFORE the exam and HOW to work on the areas where you’re lacking.  Remember, when you pass your test it’s not only good for you, it makes us look great too. 😊

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