AF5 exam study support for April 2017

We’ll be releasing our full structured study plan for the April 2017 AF5 exam on 23 January 2017.

I’ve been teaching this exam since 2008 and can tell you a few stories about this exam.

What I know, is that the structured study plan with EP, with our case study analysis and a 1 day workshop gave you an 85%+ chance of a pass in the October 2016 exam (85.71%, in fact).

We’ve got the AF5 nailed – and it’ll stand up against anything.

Our consistent performance level is above 80% pass rate.

We know what it takes to pass this exam.

Our workshop package is unbeatable; it’s the BEST value and most successful support package for AF5 in the UK. Nothing comes close to it.
We offer a 1 day workshop, an online structured study plan describing every task and a full case study analysis AND technical documents from our AF courses to support the specialist learning, depending on the case study.

The first AF5 workshop will be on Friday 24 March in Milton Keynes – and we might even have another one on the Saturday 25 March.

There is nothing which comes close on expertise, support or value.

The final details will be released until 23 January.

Get yourself a kitkat.

You will have plenty time to get into this and prepare yourself for Chartered – more on our support and the introductory webinar on Monday 23 January….