“I’m here to create video content, shoot and edit footage and I will be involved with all the technical tasks related to production and post-production”

John is the newest member of the EP team and is delighted to be indulging his passion of all things video creation related. John joined us to complete our team and add a bit of that technical wizardry the rest of us are very much in awe of! Animations, photoshop, video creation and he can also keep us on track with our fitness goals (as he used to be a fitness instructor)!!

6 things I’ve learnt

Be Creative, Live Creative
By living creative lifestyle you use your mind to develop skills and find ways to achieve your goals in a way that is unique to you.

Never Stop Learning
You can never know enough, keep educating yourself and you never know where that knowledge can take you.

Be a problem solver
No matter who you are or what your circumstances may be, life will always present problems and obstacles, harness your creative energy and you’ll find ways to overcome them.

Set goals, enjoy the reward
Have something to work towards, set yourself a goal then figure out a plan of action, set smaller goals to achieve a bigger goal.Take action and be dedicated to your goal and once you have achieved it sit back and take pride in your hard work.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, think positive
Life’s full of ups and downs, your minds a powerful tool that helps guide you so try and think positive as much as possible and you will create a better world for yourself and the others around you.

Have Fun
Don’t always take everything seriously, let your mind have a break every once in while and sit back and relax.