This is a member update.
I have just issued and added a completely revised CII R08 Pension Update exam study text and workbook (with also revised quiz questions).

This has been extensively revised in light of the summer budget of 8 July and clarity on the new rules from HMRC since April 2015.
It is a comprehensive and detailed text which is also an essential read for the J05 exam and within module 5 (M5) of our own AF3 structured study plan.

All those members with either/or R08 Pension Update and AF3 structured study plan membership can access the new and revised study notes immediately.
The new documents are available in the R08 module or M5 in the AF3 structured study plan.

I will be adding more tutorial videos in support of the study notes in the coming days – adding them to both the R08 Pension Update module and M5 of AF3, in readiness for our own week 5 (M5) learning and the R08 exam sessions which start 3 August.

Any questions about any aspect – please drop them into the forum.