Our AF8 Retirement Income Planning Study Package is going to save you time, money and a whole lot of stress!

We’ve had a lot of enquiries about AF8 lately. The coursework consists of three written assignments, each between 2,500 and 3,000 words. A minimum of 50% must achieved on each assignment.

The exam will test your ability to evaluate a clients’ personal and financial positions. You will also need the ability to formulate strategies for areas such as fund withdrawals, investment risks and estate planning and other later life concerns.

Pass all 3 assignments within the 12-month enrolment period and you will rack up 30 credits. Within the 12 month period there is a timetable of when each assignment has to be submitted. The first one needs to be submitted within 6 months of enrolment; the second one within 9 months and the third within 12 months.

However, BEWARE, if you fail an assignment, then this can be re-submitted (maximum of 2 times) or you can ask for it to be reviewed. BUT there will be an additional charge for this. If you don’t complete within the 12 month time frame you will have to start all over again.

Preparation is the key here. Avoid getting caught up in that last minute panic of not getting that last assignment through and start as you mean to go on. With a carefully designed study package which will take you through the required techniques one step at a time.

Our AF8 course was released in January 2019 and is incredibly high quality, we’ve had some great feedback already from our candidates.

Our AF8 course teaches content, learning outcomes, assessment criteria, techniques, and referencing, using our own original case study and assignments to demonstrate. We give you the tools, including a cash flow modeller and techniques, to help you write your assignments successfully.

The course is supported by our video tutorials and you will have access to our online forum.

Make no mistake AF8 is by no means an easy option! Candidates have to be very wary of the plagiarism rule. Building up a solid foundation to your assignments before submitting them is going to save you time, money and whole lot of stress!

The AF8 Retirement planning exam is about developing and demonstrating your ability to break down complex tasks into bite size chunks, improvise, and shift strategies to meet different types of advice.

If you are beginning your AF8 journey and this is your starting point, then it may well be the first time you’ve been taught anything about critically evaluating appropriate advice. This course has been designed with you in mind and is essential to guide you through to exam success:


AF8 Retirement Income Planning
