We start our AF3 exam webinars today.
Delighted to get going and all the pens, ice-creams and cold drinks will be on their way to all those who attended today!

They are recorded and here is the first one.
The links from each week will secured within your modules going forward.

Fast forward to the last 40mins for the key learns from our first AF3 exam webinar.

[box title=”2015/16 LIVE Q&A Webinar series” bg_image=”https://expertpensions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/pensions-divider40.png” bg_image_pos=”” align=”center” text_color=”#ffffff”][/box]

[box title=”First webinar on 2 July 2015″ bg_color=”#66cd00″ align=”center” text_color=”#ffffff”]This is a weekly series of LIVE tutorial teaching Q&A sessions hosted and delivered by John Reynolds. Every week I’ll cover the specific subject being studied as part of our structured study plan for AF3: it’s your chance to quiz me directly and ask any questions about your weekly studies. It’s LIVE, it’s topical and it’s another integral part of your structured study plan for the AF3 exam.

[button href=”http://gowoa.me/i/DMwZ” style=”flat” size=”medium” color=”#1081c4″ hovercolor=”#81d742″ textcolor=”#ffffff” texthovercolor=”#ffffff” icon=”chevron-right”]Register here[/button] [/box]

Weekly structured study plan LIVE Q&A webinars

This is our new series of LIVE Q&A webinars for the 2015/16 year.

These LIVE Q&A webinars are open to subscribers to the structured study plan only.

LIVE Q&A sessions with John, following the weekly structured study plan; each week there will be a LIVE Q&A session with John.

These sessions are free and exclusive to subscribers only.