Studying for an exam is never easy and that’s why we deliver a blended learning approach.  An opportunity to find out what works for you by using different techniques, something to engage your senses and motivate your learning.  Learning and memory are closely related concepts. Learning is the acquisition of a skill or knowledge, while memory is the storage and retrieval of what you have acquired.

Take a look at this BBC guide and see what techniques you can adopt in order to power up your memory:


Helping you to become a focused and effective student by introducing our step-by-step proven study plans and a study schedule that students WANT to follow. Applying strategies that enable you to study less, learn more and pass your exam.

We are a revolution in education. We make the entire process of teaching and learning interesting, memorable and fun (we do try)!

  • Dedicated Experts with extensive knowledge of the exams we support
  • Tax, Pensions, Investments and Financial Planning – Experts on hand to answer your queries
  • Competitive prices and resources that come with the guarantee of years of experience and a history of superior quality
  • 85% of new clients that join our growing network have been recommended. This proves the level of service we provide and sets us apart from the competition
  • Our reputation is built on exceptional customer service. Come and join us and discover the difference we can make