Our new and updated structured study support for the AF3 2015/16 exams is available to access.
The full AF3 package for 2015/16 (which incorporates support for the R08 exam as part of the package) is available to all members, new and old.

Part of our commitment is a FULL 12 months support package.
If your subscription is still running, you will have access to the new materials as part of your updates. No questions. It’s yours.

The new 2015/16 study notes and workbook extend to 200+ and 90+ pages respectively and you can get cracking with your studies right away.
However, whilst I know there are plenty of you who want to get started, we won’t officially start our weekly structured study plan until 30 June; at that point and from then onwards towards the October 2015 AF3 exam (15 weeks from 30 June), we’ll send you a weekly email with study guidance all designed to keep you on track with your studies.

But, I know there are plenty of you who want to crack on – feel free to subscribe, download and start studying.
Of course, there might be updates throughout the year; the budget might spring a few surprises, the HMRC might change their mind or legislation could be brought forward early.

You have no concern.
You sign-up for a full 12 months support package, whether it is the study notes + workbook or the structured study plan: you are kept up-to-date and you don’t have to think about it. We take care of it. We keep you informed. One subscription: all done.

You need nothing more for your AF3 exam studies.
Nothing. Everything you need is contained within the study package you subscribe for. You do not need the CII case study book for the AF3 exam. As much as it is a beautiful thing. It’s not a structured learning plan for the AF3 exam.

Over the next few days, we’ll be dropping a note to everyone of our current members who should be alerted with the new study materials and/or issuing alerts via the forum those current members who want to get hold of the new study text for AF3 (inclusive R08 materials, if you are thinking about doing that exam as well).

And just a quick note about our AF3 revision workshops.
We’ve released dates for our fully-inclusive workshops for AF3; these workshops are the final part of our fully-blended learning and study plan. They come with the structured study plan as part of a fully-inclusive, blended learning plan. There is nothing else that comes close to the study support, service and expertise you can access through these AF3 revision workshops.

How much does the AF3 pension transfer specialist permissions mean to you?
‘3 plus a half’ on £100k? That’s half what we charge for a 5 day comprehensive revision course for the AF3. It’s the only 5 day intensive and comprehensive AF3 revision course in the UK.

We’ll be telling you more about that in the coming days and weeks as we add more support.

Some of you will be waiting on your exam results a week from today. I’m thinking good thoughts for everyone of you.
Good luck and keep in touch.

[box title=”The AF3 2015/16 Structured study plan is ready NOW” bg_color=”#66cd00″ align=”center” text_color=”#ffffff”]Written and designed by John Reynolds to cut through to what really matters in the AF3 exam syllabus; essential study notes, video tutorials, case study workbook with model Q&A, intelligent quizzes and our famous AF3 forum. All there to enable you to learn as quick as possible, save time and ease you through the learning path of least resistance.

[button href=”https://expertpensions.co.uk/af3-exam-support/” style=”flat” size=”medium” color=”#1081c4″ hovercolor=”#81d742″ textcolor=”#ffffff” texthovercolor=”#ffffff” icon=”chevron-right”]Get Started now[/button] [/box]